domingo, 27 de febrero de 2011

Skins US, fuck yes!

I love soo much Skins US and people are shitting me like way too much with the thing that the British Skins Is  better. So what?! I love Skins US. I think It has some awesome points. I fancy the new Tony, I'm like deeply in love with Chris, even more than I was with the first Chris! and I'd deffinitely marry Tea (We both hate marriage, tho...whatever.)
I can't get out of my mind Tony and Tea's date, when she yelled "I screw girls!!" FUCK YEAH. Love that chapter. I said "love" like way too many times in this post, didn't I?
Btw, Cadie rules. She's cool. :)

If you have never watched Skins US, do it.
I'm writing although I know no one I'll read it. So what.
Soo, no one, If you haven't watched Skins US yet, fucking do it.


martes, 15 de febrero de 2011

I (heart) Megan Fox


Indie's In Our Hearts.

And if it isn't in yours, fuck you!

Llueeeeeve. Con la ventana abierta mientras me desmaquillaba, escuchaba caer las gotas, rápidas. Ráaaapidas. Me imaginé una caricatura de Dios montado en un kart rojo con una bolsa de gotas. ¿Llevaría Dios casco? Supongo que no. Para eso es Dios, ¿no? Para no llevar casco cuando monte en kart. Me había maquillado como lo haría cuando diéramos un concierto. Bueno, tal vez entonces no me maquillaría así. Pero lo haría, no había duda. Indie total. En un concierto. En el nuestro, en el mío. Joder, que ganas.

Ann <3

miércoles, 9 de febrero de 2011

The Doors rule.

Life's strange. People are strange. (When you're a stranger... LOL Ann, stop quoting The Doors). Yeah, whatever. I just wanna be happy. Want him by my side. Being with him on Valentine's Day, laughing, having fun, sex. That usual stuff.
I'm so fucked up right now...