domingo, 27 de febrero de 2011

Skins US, fuck yes!

I love soo much Skins US and people are shitting me like way too much with the thing that the British Skins Is  better. So what?! I love Skins US. I think It has some awesome points. I fancy the new Tony, I'm like deeply in love with Chris, even more than I was with the first Chris! and I'd deffinitely marry Tea (We both hate marriage, tho...whatever.)
I can't get out of my mind Tony and Tea's date, when she yelled "I screw girls!!" FUCK YEAH. Love that chapter. I said "love" like way too many times in this post, didn't I?
Btw, Cadie rules. She's cool. :)

If you have never watched Skins US, do it.
I'm writing although I know no one I'll read it. So what.
Soo, no one, If you haven't watched Skins US yet, fucking do it.


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